This assignment provides you with the opportunity to practice graduate writing skills. You will use APA format and a professional voice. You will provide a summary, biblical analysis, and personal perspective for a provided study.
3) Next, read Trammel et al. (2020). This article can be found within the Read: Religiosity Oriented Mindfulness for Social Workers: Effects on Mindfulness, Heart Rate Variability, and Personal Burnout item within the Learn section of this module.
4) Complete the chart in the provided Graduate Paragraph Template and write a graduate-level paper about the article in 3 paragraphs (one paragraph for each: The Study, Biblical Comparison, and Personal Views).
5) In addition to the completed chart and three paragraphs, the assignment will have an APA-style cover page and an APA-style reference page.
Keep in mind that the body of the paper is to be written in double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font. In total, this paper will contain the following information as per the template:
• A chart with some details of the study that answers the following questions. Be sure to
include the page, paragraph, or section number(s) where this information is found.
-What was the purpose of the study?
-Who were the participants?
-What did the participants do and for how long?
-What was measured, when was it measured, and how was it measured?
-What were the results?
-How were the results determined?
• A one-paragraph summary of the study conducted by Trammel et al. (2020). You should
use the information from the chart to write your summary.
• A one-paragraph biblical analysis of the topic. Compare the findings of the study to
biblical principles.
• A one-paragraph entry of your personal views in relation to the findings of the study,
including implications for you as a social work practitioner (use first person and personal
• Within the summary paragraph, integrate one short, direct qoutation from the Trammel et
al. (2020) article with an in-text APA citation in order to enhance the quality of the
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• Within the Biblical Comparison paragraph, include at least one APA in-text citation from
the Bible or a biblical resource with a verse or biblical principle used to analyze the topic.
• Within the Personal Views paragraph, include at least one paraphrase with an APA in-
text citation from the Trammel et al. (2020) article, being sure to accurately reflect the
author’s intent.
Be sure to also accurately complete the title page and references pages as indicated within the
template in APA format. You should include a reference any resource cited in-text.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. OF RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY IN SOCIAL WORK: SOCIAL THOUGHT2021, VOL. 40, NO. 1, 19–38 2020 Taylor & Francis
Religiously oriented mindfulness for social workers: effects on mindfulness, heart rate variability, and personal burnoutRegina Chow Trammela, Gewnhi Parkb, and Ian Karlsson