Graduate Writing II: Intermediate Composition Skills


To prepare for this Assignment:

Choose ONE of the following options:

  • Option 1: Select an upcoming assignment or discussion from the program course youre currently taking (such as Foundations). Write a first draft of at least 1 page of the assignment or discussion.
  • Option 2: Select a previously submitted assignment or discussion from the program course youre currently taking (such as Foundations). Choose a 1-page sample from the assignment or discussion to submit for feedback.
  • Option 3: Select an assignment or discussion you submitted in a previous course. Choose a 1-page sample from the assignment or discussion to submit for feedback.

By Day 2

  • Submit 1 double-spaced page (around 250 words) of your writing sample.
  • Be sure to paste the assignment instructions into your draft so that your instructor understands the purpose of the assignment.