week 5 dq 1Discuss why those who propose a one-size-fits-all approach to solving health care problems are operating in a simplistic never-never land that ignores the complex interests of many stakeholders.dq 2Discuss why large and small employers seem to have different interests.week 6 dq 1Table 5-1 in Health Policy Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach is long but it is not intended to exhaust the possibilities. What federal government alternatives would you like to add to that array? Post and defend your alternatives for inclusion in an expanded Table 5-1.dq2Discuss why obtaining true free market competition would require considerable government intervention.week 7 dq 1Discuss value-driven care initiatives in relation to pay-for-performance and medical home initiatives (demonstration projects).dq2Discuss the different interests (and why) medical professionals and the institutions they work in can have ? even when they present a united front to the consumer.