Guessing Game Repl/Python

Case scenario

In discussion, you will work on a program where the computer (repl / Python) chooses a random number, you try to guess it, and the computer tells you whether your guess is too high, too low, or correct. If you don’t guess the number, you can keep guessing until you get it. This is what we’re calling a “regular” guessing game and you can view the solution cheat sheet above after discussion and after reading the rest of the specs below.

For this Project, you’re going to build a “reverse” guessing game. The difference is that you think of a number, the computer makes a guess, and you tell the computer if it was correct or to adjust its next guess higher or lower. The computer has unlimited tries (hint) to guess the number. You have to design your logic so that the computer increases or decreases its next guess by a random amount.