guide to Linux

Complete your own Quick Guide to Linux (in any format you like) in a Word document, notepad text, or pdf file. Submit your file in this Assignment dropbox.

you should complete at least the following components for this assignment.

Your Quick Guide should contain

Table of Content with
1. At least FIVE ‘chapters’ (groups/section/parts/cores…)

2. Each ‘chapter’ should contain at least four topics

Content as outlined in Table of Content, with
At least one command for each topic, i.e each ‘chapter’ should contain at least 4 commands, at least 20 commands in the whole Quick Guide
At least 10 commands with 2 or more switches
Reference list
At least FIVE references are required. Be sure to give a title or brief description for each reference. Do not just post a link without any lab or description.
APA Citation is preferred; however, it is not mandatory nor required. Here is a quick tutorial if you need one:
(Optional) Additional sections such as Case Studies, Drawings, Collection of Tool kits, etc.