HA 425 Operational Analysis and Quality Improvement

 in APA (7th Edition)

 Imagine that you have been asked to develop a new quality improvement program to address cost containment in your facility. Prepare a memo to the Board of Directors that proposes cost containment projects that reduce facility costs as well as improve quality. 



  • In the memo, discuss why there is a need to balance cost containment with quality improvement. Include at least three specific rationales.
  • Choose at least one cost-containment strategy. Some strategies might include outsourcing services, standardizing clinical processes, reducing overhead, etc.
  • Describe in your memo how you will apply it to an area (pharmacy, therapies, surgery, laboratory, etc.) within the healthcare facility entailing at least three steps.
  • Discuss at least two ways the cost-containment strategy could adversely impact quality. Explain your reasoning.


  • Your submission is composed in a Microsoft Word document.
  • To meet the objective requirements, your response is at least 500 words in length.
  • Your submission includes specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements to demonstrate mastery of the objective.
  • Your submission includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your response is in Standard English and demonstrates superior organization.
  • Your communication is highly ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • Your submission displays exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics.
  • A separate page at the end of your response contains a list of references.
  • Include both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources used following proper APA citation style.
  • Please review the APA formatting and citation style in Academic Tools Academic Writer.