HA255 Human Resources for Healthcare Organizations unit 9 assignment


Efficient Human Resource Management in Health Care Organizations

You are the human resources representative at your organization and have been asked to give a presentation to the Board of Directors regarding how you will recruit, select and retain high caliber candidates in an area where you have a shortage of healthcare workers.

Analyze the shortage of healthcare professionals in your community and choose a job position that currently needs more workers such as nurses, radiologists, infection control professionals, etc. Provide an overview of how many positions are needed and possible contributing factors why the shortage exists. Address the need to complete a proper job analysis and what that entails, as well as the importance of proper job design in managing your recruitment. Include how you will recruit new high caliber employees into the organization and how you will select and retain these employees long-term. Finally, provide the Board with information regarding the elements of positive organizational relations and how the organization plans to implement them to retain employees long-term.

Here is an example of how you might layout your presentation:

  • Title slide (1 slide)
  • Introduction (1 slide)
  • Overview of shortage (12 slides)
  • Job analysis and design (12 slides)
  • Recruitment, selection, and retention (12 slides)
  • Positive organizational relations (12 slides)
  • Conclusion (1 slide)
  • Reference(s) (at least 1 slide)


Minimum Submission Requirements:

  • Your submission is created in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
  • To meet the objective requirements, your presentation is at least four content slides in length.
  • Your submission includes specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements to demonstrate mastery of the objective.
  • Your submission includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your response is in Standard English and demonstrates superior organization.
  • Your communication is highly ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • Your submission displays exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics.
  • A separate slide at the end of your presentation contains a list of references.
  • Include both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources used following proper APA citation style.
  • Please review the APA formatting and citation style in Academic Tools – Academic Writer.