Hand art creative expression

Teachers need to recognize and value creativity in themselves so they can create
activities and build environments that foster creativity. In this assignment, you will
practice engaging and expressing your own creativity by making a personal Hand Art
Creation. You will also write a brief reflection on the creative qualities that you possess
and aspire to develop.

1. Read Figure 1-1 Creativity Checklist in Chapter 1 of the text to identify your
creative traits.
2. Use the insight about your traits as inspiration for your Hand Art Creation.
3. Make your Hand Art Creation, including a creative title.
a. Trace your hand (or your hand and arm) on paper or material of your
b. Design a Hand Art image that expresses your personality, interests, or
c. Use media such as paint, markers, collage, etc., to enhance your creation.
4. Write a reflection.
a. Describe how your Hand Art expresses some aspect of your personality.
b. Describe the creative qualities that you possess and aspire to develop.
c. Include your Hand Art Creation title at the top of the page.
d. Include the following citation/reference to the Creativity Checklist to
support your reflection:
Figure 1.1 Creativity Checklist. From Creative Activities and Curriculum for
Young Children by M. Mayesky. Copyright 2015 by Cengage Learning.
CHS201 Creative Activity
Unit 1 Assignment: Hand Art Creative Expression
5. Submit a photo of your Hand Art Creation, including the title and your written
reflection to the Assignment link in Unit 1.

Photo of Hand Art Creation with title.
Written reflection of one (1) page in length, with two or more paragraphs, double-spaced, and submitted as an MS Word file.