Hardware Lab

Assignment Activities
Buy Yourself a Computer System for $900.00 or Less. Tax and Shipping Excluded
As a student, you need a computer to get your college work done, especially in this course. You have a budget of $900 max, but cannot decide on the computer system youd like to own. You are going to look at a desktop computer and a notebook/laptop computer and compare features and prices.  But before you rush to shop for a computer, you want to identify the why, the what, and the how.
    Why do I need this computer? Ex: to complete my school work and surf the internet. Elaborate as much as possible. Be specific as to what school work/classes you need this computer for. Make a list of your needs.
    What features, configurations, applications, and/or setting do I need for this computer for? Ex: Laptop for mobility or Desktop with large screen, Software applications needed for my courses (MS Office), Large memory (RAM), Fast processing (CPU), large storage (Hard disk vs. SSD), Wi-Fi, Graphics card for gaming (GPU), etc. Be specific.
    How will this computer meet my needs? Here you need to demonstrate how the features and configurations in the what will meet the needs listed in the why. Again, you want to be as specific as possible. This is where you can justify the features you selected.

1.    Find a complete desktop computer system (including a monitor, system unit, keyboard, and mouse) that meets your everyday needs as a student, using any of the resources listed below.  The system you purchase must be brand new (not used or refurbished)
2.    To investigate different computer systems, you can check the online advertisements, visit a local computer store, or shop online at sites that sell computers. You are NOT limited to the source of information. Make sure you consider well-known manufacturers like Dell, Microsoft, Lenovo, HP, Acer, etc. Also, consider online digital PC/Technology magazines, and computer geek shows.
3.    Fill out the following chart describing the desktop computer systems features, and then shop for a notebook/laptop computer that has similar/comparable features. 
4.    Compare prices and features, and decide which system you would be inclined to buy.  Give the reasons for your decision.