A synthesis essay is all about combinations and connections between your ideas and your source material. While writing this type of essay, you can remain focused on many different factors and ideas at once with the use of an annotated bibliography. Synthesis essays typically require the writer to incorporate many different types of reading and writing skills: critical reading, reading response, analysis, and argumentation.
Actually, analysis of a topic is a key point in the entire synthesis essay writing process. You need to develop a research question that is not too narrow nor too broad. You must use the information that you gathered during your research to make an inference. You make an inference by building connections and comparisons among your source material. Your inference (or thesis) should be a logical conclusion based on the source material you put together during your research.
While theyre different types of synthesis, I want an argumentative synthesis essay. You should be attempting to prove your main claim is correct through using various effective persuasive methods. Argumentative synthesis essay writing involves using facts, statistics, in-text citations, quotes, and other techniques used to support a specific view/claim.
A synthesis essay is all about combinations and connections between your ideas and your source material. In other words, its a written conversation/discourse of the source material you have compiled on your topic. This paper MUST go beyond a mere summarizing of source material. You have to make decisions and assessments of your source material. Below are the requirements of this particular assignment:
Your paper must have a title which is indicative of the topic. Examples:
o Women, Born and Bound: The Perils of Female Passing in a Patriarchal Society
o Resourceful Rage: Janes Quest for Independence in Charlotte Bronts Jane Eyre
o For He Contained Within Him a Largeness Of Spirit: The Duality of Billys Spirit, The
Hope for Humanity in Cormac McCarthys Border Trilogy
You MUST have a thesis statement.
You MUST have a counter-argument.
Your paper should integrate 5 works of scholarly criticism (journal articles, books, and book chapters) to provide support for your reading of the issue.
Your paper must be 1800-2000 words and be accompanied by a Works Cited page.