Chapter 1 Introduction
Give background on your topic and the impact of this study to the society or industry.
What are the current problem(s)/issue(s) to be tackled in research and market (i.e. hospitals/government)?
Chapter 2 Literature review (Summary of the literature review findings and group them into different sub-topic/theme/main points)
2.1 Sub-topic 1
2.2 Sub-topic 2
What researchers, market, and/or company have done to solve the problem(s)/issue(s) you mentioned? And how? Why they solve the problem(s)/issue(s) in this way?
Chapter 3 The strengths and limitations (based on the findings from literature review to summarize the strengths and limitation/weakness of current development, and your suggestions of further research or development)
What are the strengths and limitations of these approach on solving those problem(s)/issue(s)?
What are the research/solution gaps?
What will you recommend to fill the gaps/overcome the limitations?
Chapter 4 References
List the journal paper, conference paper, textbook, internet URL and quote all the references in the report content.