help with an outline

I created one but I failed I listed an example she gave me something like it suppose to look like 

needs a brief explanation of the controversy

The purpose of your Signature Assignment is to describe a controversy or debate in forensic psychology, including its legal and psychological significance. An example of a controversy in forensic psychology would be, Should a child be able to testify as an eyewitness? or Should incompetent defendants be committed indefinitely?

  1. At least two references that support each side of the controversy (although more are required for the final paper)
  2. Your stance on the controversy, including support for your views
  3. An outline of the structure of your paper

Length: 1-2 pages, plus reference page

no plagiarism please and APA format 

The controversy for the final paper must be one that actually exists in the literature in forensic psychology. While the issue you pose is interesting, this is not a current controversy that is being discussed in the academic literature in the are of forensic psychology. Additionally, what you have presented is not an annotated outline as is required by the assignment. 

I’m including some information on how to create an annotated outline. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about the assignment or to ask if a topic you’re considering is suitable for the assignment.

Spotlight on Skills: Writing an Annotated Outline
An outline is the scaffold upon which you build your paper. You probably already use a mental outline when you plan a paper, perhaps without even being aware of it. Writing the outline can provide you with a visualization of your plan. An outline provides both focus and direction for the paper, shows where relevant points and arguments need to be made, and identifies areas where more supportive evidence is needed.

What is an annotated outline? As you are writing a research paper, your paper is built around the research findings that you located in your search. When you prepare an annotated outline, you will note the research that supports each section of the paper. This will help you see any areas that need further research to support them.

The following example may help support the transition of your paper from a collection of research notes to a fully developed paper. Suppose the research topic you chose was the relation of childhood bullying to self-esteem. The title of your paper is: Self-esteem in Childhood Bullying.

When researching the paper, you found conflicting research results. Some research showed that children with low self-esteem tended to bully others, while other research showed that children with extremely high self-esteem were bullies. Looking closer, you began to see that this research could be divided into studies investigating different variables, such as gender, age, and ethnic background. Now, you want to turn this into a research report.

example of what it looks like 

An annotated outline might look like this (all citations are fictional): Topic: The relation of childhood bullying to self-esteem: Too much or too little?
A. Overview of childhood bullying
1. Definitions of bullying (Simpson, 2010; OConnor, 2008)
2. Types of bullying (Yang, 2009; Sinisi, 2011)
B. Self-esteem in childhood
1. Definitions of self-esteem (Whitefield, 2009)
2. Impact of self-esteem on behavior in childhood (Liebermann, 2010)
C. Research on the relation of self-esteem to bullying in childhood
1. Gender, self-esteem, and childhood bullying
a. Self-esteem and same-gender bullying
i. Self-esteem in boys bullying boys (Pryzborski, 2012)
ii. Self-esteem in girls bullying girls
b. Self-esteem in opposite-gender or non-gender-specific bullying in childhood (no research found)
2. Age, self-esteem in childhood bullying
a. Self-esteem and bullying from 6-9 (Brennan, 2011)
b. Self-esteem and bullying from 9-12 (Mendez, 2010; Lee, 2011)
3. Family structure, self-esteem, and childhood bullying
a. Self-esteem and bullying in children in single-parent families (Shams, 2012)
b. Self-esteem and bulling in children in dual-parent families (Mugaddam, 2011)
4. Ethnicity, self-esteem, and childhood bullying
a. Inter-ethnic bullying and self-esteem (Jacinto, 2009; Akbarzadeh, 2010)
b. Intra-ethnic bullying and self-esteem (Lawrence, 2011)
D. Conclusions
E. Summary and suggestions for future studies
F. References

Preparing an annotated outline in this way will give you a way to organize and clarify your plans. Additionally, it gives your professor a chance to provide feedback on the proposed structure of the paper before you begin to write. You can also see which subtopics you need to research further before proceeding with the final draft