Hi I need help with a response to two peers discussions: As you approach your Project Three submission for this course, it is important to think about your strategy for making your presentation to sta

Hi I need help with a response to two peers discussions:

As you approach your Project Three submission for this course, it is important to think about your strategy for making your presentation to stakeholders. Your goal is to make the decision process easier and more efficient for those stakeholders.

Review the Planning a Presentation graphic from the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations and think about how you will address each aspect of the presentation-development process. In your initial post, focus on the conceiving and visualizing segments and address the following:

  • How are you going to craft your story with your audience in mind?
  • How are you going to illustrate your story and stay relevant?

In response to at least two of your peers, address the following:

  • What suggestions can you make about your peers’ strategies for their presentations to help engage the stakeholders in the conversation? How would you suggest addressing questions, comments, and general feedback?

Peer #1

I will open up the presentation with by idea. “Your big message is one you must communicate” (Duarte 2012) From here I will provide some basic information about our current state and then move on to the information about the market trends. Since my audience includes stakeholders from inside and outside of the company, it will be important to open with a high level overview to ensure everyone is on the same page. I will use a mix of charts and graphs as visuals for my audience. One point that seems to make a lot of sense in the reading material is “Create slides people can get in 3 seconds” (Duarte 2012)  I will keep the visuals simple and easy so they don’t become distracting, and the audience can follow along with the narrative and easily see what I am speaking about on the slide.  

Peer #2

Hi class, I can’t believe we’ve finally reached the final discussion post but here we are and I couldn’t be happier to check this block. The story I’m going to craft for my audience is going to be short, sweet and to the point. I feel the best way to address the stakeholders is by presenting the facts in a straightforward manner because let’s be honest, their really only interested in the pros and cons of diversification and whether there’s a profit to be gained. To not waste their time, the message will be well thought out and rooted in facts which are fully supported by current statistics and trends. The story told will help stakeholders formulate an opinion that hopefully aligns with the diversification recommendation presented to them. For effective communication between the stakeholders and I, the visuals will be kept to a minimum so that the information presented can be consumed and understood almost instantaneously. I don’t feel the stakeholders would be concerned with elaborate slides, cluttered with information or dramatic videos that exaggerate the earnings potential just the presentation of the pertinent information in the form of an elegant graph or chart. A President Woodrow Wilson quote commonly repeated amongst military leaders is “Be brief, be brilliant, be gone.” It transitions perfectly from the war room to the conference room and will be the motto of my brief.