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search for and select an artifact of pro- or anti-fascist propaganda (e.g., poster, film clip, radio broadcast clip, cartoon or object) from the period 1930 to 1946  Begin with an introduction and thesis statement that is your judgment of how the propaganda artifact differs from the actual course and outcome of World War II.
Define the form of fascism reflected in your chosen artifact, 1930-1946.
Using specific examples from the period, analyze how specific aspects of the artifact reflect:
the perception of the impacts of World War I (this can include the Treaty of Versailles or WWI combatant nations), and
key figures and ideas associated with one fascist and one non-fascist party or nation.
Support your thesis statement by explaining the specific insight you gained by comparing the actual outcomes of war to how the artifact presents the goals of key figures, political ideologies, and nations in this period.
Finally, analyze how your present-day opinions of this era compare to the views of the propaganda author and if you believe the author achieved his or her purpose of influencing the roles and actions of people on a local, national, or global level.
You must include images or links to your chosen artifact in your paper.
Your paper must be at least two pages in length, not including the title or reference pages. You must use at least two sources other than your artifact to support your paper. All sources used must be properly cited. Follow APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.