
Choose a historical event that occurred during your lifetime.  This could be a political, scientific, economic, or religious event; a battle or war; a technological innovation; or a social or intellectual moment/milestone.  Examples range from September 11th, Obama/Trump elections, natural disasters, political movements in the Middle East, turmoil in the Balkans, etc.  Your assignment is to write a one-page synopsis of this event. Choose two sources, one primary and one secondary, to help you write a synopsis of the event.

Name of the Event: _____

Brief Description: What do you personally remember about this event? Describe what happened in your own words.

Next, use two sources to help you more fully describe what happened:

Name of Primary Source: ____
Where did you find this source? ___
Description of Source: ____

Name of Secondary Source: ____
Where did you find this source? ____
Description of Source: ___

Finally, answer: What are the strengths and weaknesses of each source when trying to piece together what happened at this event?