History 2112 Research Project 20 Points This project requires you to look through Ebony magazine, focusing on one year between 1966 and 1974. The magazine is accessible through Google Books. The

History 2112 

Research Project 

20 Points 

This project requires you to look through Ebony magazine, focusing on one year between 1966 and 1974. The magazine is accessible through Google Books. The magazines have been scanned and are searchable here, or you can go to Google Books Advanced Search and search for Ebony magazine. Select a combination of articles/editorials and advertisements that relate to your topic (3-4 items total) from the year you chose. To guide your research, all items must relate to one of the following themes: 

1) Race relations   

2) Gender roles  

3) Work or business 

4) Arts and culture  

5) Politics (at home or foreign policy or both)     

Focusing on one topic will allow you to construct an effective thesis statement and compelling title. You do not need to submit any copies or photographs.  

When you do this research, BE SURE TO KEEP A RECORD OF THE DATE (MONTH/YEAR) OF YOUR MATERIALS SO YOU CAN PROPERLY CITE THEM. One goal of scholarly research is to share your sources with other scholars so they can follow up on the work you have done. This requires that you provide them with proper citations.  

To complete this assignment, you need to do two things. First, complete a primary source analysis worksheet for EACH of your four sources.  

Second, write about your findings by developing a thesis statement and a title. Your thesis statement is the big, overarching argument about your research findings. This is not a research paper but instead a research analysis project. For this part, complete the “title and thesis worksheet.”  

Submit the full assignment as one document on BlazeView. Title it with your last name, “research project,” and your section letter. Example: FitzGeraldResearchProjectC  

Do not do extra research. Do not use material from the internet. You do not need a bibliography or works cited page.  

If you borrow ideas, facts, or words of someone else, even if you paraphrase, you must cite them. For Ebony material, use the title, month and year, and page number (example: Ebony, April 70, page 44). For class, readings use the author’s name and page number example: (Foner, page 435).  If in doubt, cite your source. This project must be your own work. Plagiarism or cheating will result in an F for the assignment and disciplinary action.