
At the end of each chapter, there are critical thinking exercises.  Choose ONE question from each chapter and submit your answer here.

Chapter 4:

1. John White was put in a terrible position when his colonists asked

him to leave them and return to England for aide. If you were John

White, what would you do?

2. The Secotan attacked Whites colony because of what had

happened with Lanes earlier group. Was there any way for White

to have prevented the troubles? Was the Secotans anger justified?

3. Ralph Lanes legacy at Roanoke was a failed attempt at a colony

and the lasting enmity of the Secotan towards the English. How

do you think Lane should have handled the problems with the


4. If you were Powhatan or a Pequot, how would you have reacted to

the arrival of the English?

5. If you were an English citizen in 1606 and had the opportunity to

be a part of founding Jamestown, would you have done it?

6. Why do you think the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes fought

with the Puritans against fellow Indians, the Pequot?

Chapter 5:

1. As you look back over Englands history from 1660 to 1688, why do

you think that Parliament was so opposed to a Catholic taking the

throne of England?

2. Why is it said that Charles II was restored to the throne when he

had never been in power before 1660?

3. If you were in charge of finding a site for a new colony, what would

you look for in terms of climate and geography? What features of

the landscape would you try to find and which would you try to


4. If you were in charge of recruiting colonists for a new colony, how

would you do it? What would you do to convince people to leave

all that they know and try to build a new life for themselves in a

possibly dangerous new land?