

1. What were the meaningful impacts of the Great Depression on American farmers in the South and Great Plains, black and white? What was the impact of this in 1930 and 1940s South, including Florida?

2. What role did the New Deal play in alleviating poverty as well as widening racial stratification? What relationship did the response to the Depression have in the lives of Americans as late as the 1930s and 1940s?

3. Analyze the social impact of World War Two inside the USA- on the domestic front- in the 1940s. Discuss politics, culture, and social impacts. Specifically, what impact did these developments have on race and agriculture in the South in the late 1930s into 1940s? 


1200 words
Double space
12-point font
Standard written English
One-inch margins
Chicago style footnote citations. Do not cite in MLA style.

-Your paper must have a main idea/thesis/argument. It cannot be a summary of the reading. Your thesis must answer the prompt.
-Your paper must be carefully edited. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling count.
-Cultivate your own voice/style. You will be writing a lot of papers in college, so find your voice. This means papers by different students on the same prompt should be distinct. It does not mean the papers are about you. Do not write about yourself and do not use a conversational tone or self-references..
-You must demonstrate understanding and familiarity with Week 9-12 course readings: Alan Brinkley’s Unfinished Nation, Ch 23-26 and Gilbert King’s Devil in the Grove, Ch 1-11. If you do not use both texts your paper will not pass.
-These are reading response essays, not research papers. There should be no other source material beyond Brinkley’s Unfinished Nation and Gilbert’s Devil in the Grove; do not summarize content you have read on the internet.  Use only Unfinished Nation and Devil in the Grove.
-Any paper with no citations is an F paper.

Meet the format requirements
Have thoughtful content including a clear answer to the prompt
Write clearly and edit your work
A papers do these three tasks strongly, B papers may be weak in one area, C papers may be weak in two areas, D papers may be weak in three areas, etc.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the theft of words or ideas from another writer and dishonestly passing them off as your own. Any plagiarism- even a few sentences or a single paragraph- will result in a ZERO on the paper. Do not be tempted to submit work you did not create. Two episodes of plagiarism in the course will result in an F in the course and a referral to HCCs academic disciplinary review committee via Maxient.