History assignmnet


Paper topic

Drawing specific examples from the assigned reading, write a five (5) to seven (7) page paper explaining how Fourth of July celebrations changed over the course of the nineteenth century. Begin by explaining the the historical context in which Fourth of July celebrations emerged. Then analyze the documents and explain how those celebrations differed in how they were perceived depending upon the individual’s race, class, or gender. Conclude with a comparison to your own experiences of Fourth of July celebrations.


To prepare for this assignment, carefully read Brown and Shannon, Going to the Source, vol. 1 CAPSTONE: “Coming Together and Pulling Apart: Nineteenth-Century Fourth of July Observations.” Complete the source table to help you analyze the documents before you write. If you need additional sources, use the resources listed under “To Find Out More” at the end of the chapter. IMPORTANT: You may not use any other outside sources except those specifically listed in the chapter.

Paper Format

  • double spaced
  • Times New Roman Font
  • 12 pt font
  • 1 inch margins
  • footnotes/endnotes
  • bibliography

If your essay does not meet the page requirement, includes images, or uses absurd formatting functions to appear longer (such as any font outside of what is business appropriate, fonts larger than 12pt, spacious headings, wide margins, etc.), expect a standard 10 point deduction from your overall content score. 

If your essay does not include a full bibliography, expect to lose 5 points off of your overall score. All individual primary sources must be listed to count as a full bibliography. 


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