History of Art and design1

Analyze the following artwork “total of five paintings” of Salvador Dali covering the below aspects:

1. Galatea of the Spheres 1952 

2. Dream caused by the flight of a Bee around a pomegranate a second before awakening 1944

3. The face of the war 1940

4. Gradiva 1931 

5. Fire! Fire! Fire! 1971

analyzation aspects: 

* Method of drawing (romantic/ cubism … )

* Type of canvas used 

* Type of colors (charcoal/ oil ..)

* Location of the drawing ( art room/ rehab center/ outdoor ..)

* Colors used ( blues / reds …) or/and color palette. 

* Type of lines used in drawings (sharp/curved/straight…)

* Type of emotions reflected by the painting ( sadness/frustration…) 

* Story behind the drawing ( why he draw it / for whom …)   

* His social status when he draw the painting married/divorced / rich/ poor ..) 

* Mental status when he/she draw the painting (stable state of mind / mentally ill ..) 

* Age of the artist (when he draw it) 

* The impact of the drawing on society 🙁 positive / negative)

1. Culture impact ( social values/ sexuality…) 

2. Historic impact (if it lasted few years)

3. Social impact (if it reflected  discrimination between men and women / black and white ..)