History of the United States Army Reserve and Army National Guard

Need a paper on the history of the United States Army Reserve and Army National guard. Address the beginning of both and why they were stood up, how many people they had in the beginning, and talk about the mission of the force( whether they were part time only when called upon and so on). Discuss if they have a federal mission or a state mission and what is included in those missions (such as deployments and so on), Also discuss the numbers now compared to when they were formulated and also discuss was these entities built around a home town reserve keeping the soldiers within in their hometowns or was it built around the soldier traveling so much to attend training.

Please ensure to have the intro heading as the History of the United States Army Reserve and Army National Guard. Have two subtopics the first being the History of the United States Army Reserve and then the second is History of the Army National Guard. Please use a minimum of three references and do not exceed three pages not including the reference page. There is no need for a title page.  Attached the rubric and a reference sheet. Please at least use the first two if they support the writing and the third may or may not be helpful so if it is not please chose others.