Homework 3 (Correct)

Godfather Death- Answer these questions in responses of at least three sentences long each.
1.    What is the moral of this story?
2.    How is Death portrayed?
3.    What is most interesting about this tale?
The Tale of the Three Brothers- In a response of at least 100 words, discuss what is interesting about this story.  Avoid retelling the story; dont summarize the plot.  Instead, focus on what the story suggests about the nature of death and those facing it.

The Jilting of Granny Weatherall- Answer these questions in responses of at least three sentences long each.  Bring in specific examples from the text when able.
1.    Discuss the storys point-of-view. What is unique about it?  Why do you think the author chose to write it in this way?
2.    Who is Hapsy? What can she symbolize?
3.    Look for other scenes/actions that can be viewed as symbolic. Discuss what they can symbolize and why.
4.    Discuss Grannys relationship with George and John. Which relationship had most effect on Granny?
5.    Explore the ending and what its impact is on the reader. Is it a happy or sad ending? Both?
Death PowerPoint- In a response of at least 100 words, discuss which representation(s) of Death from the PowerPoint is (are) most interesting and why.