Homework 7

 Below is the feed back on the previous assignment if it can be added as at the end it all needs to come together please.

This is good and a very important issue! It appears you have two very large issues and it might have been better to choose one, either reduction of HIV issues OR homelessness. While there is an obvious connection (as you state) one program is not likely to be able to address all these issues, especially at a national level. 

Also, a missing piece is that there is not a description of how all your pieces might work together. So, for example, you have resources and activities. But its not exactly clear how the resources would be used in the activities. 

Finally, the outcomes and goals are quite lofty. While I think they are certainly admirable, Im not sure they are all obtainable. For example: Providing housingity implies that everyone would be provided housing.

Maybe youd want to have a certain number of units or a certain percentage of people re-homed?


Glynn, C., & Fox, E. B. (2019). Dynamics of homelessness in urban America. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 13(1), 573-605.

Katz, A. S., Zerger, S., & Hwang, S. W. (2017). Housing First the conversation: Discourse, policy and the limits of the possible. Critical Public Health, 27(1), 139-147.