
unemployment is one of social determinant that affecting health status 


Article Review Guide: Regular format

Article Review #____________ Name ___________________ Date _____________________


Author or authors, (year), Title of Article. Name of Journal. Date of journal and volume, page numbers. page numbers.

Points to Cover

1. Main idea of article and how it relates to class topics. This is a summary of the article. (4 points)

2. Your personal reactions to the article. What new information did you learn? What was the most interesting thing about this article? (4 points)

3. Overall organization, spelling, punctuation, and quality of work. (2 point)

points to cover:

1-main idea of article and how it relates to topic ( summary of article)

2-your personal reaction to the article. what new information did you learn, what was the most interesting thing about the article

3- free pilgrims and high quality  

I need total of 4-5 new articles ( max 4 years ) to answer this assignment.

APA style 7th Edition  minimum of 4 pages without the ( cover page and references pages )  

 kindly attached the articles  as pdf to keep it with me