

In this assignment, the student will read the case scenario and answer the following questions in a two-page response. You will be required to write this assignment using the APA, 7th edition format. This means you will have a cover page and bibliography page.

1. Based on the case from Application Assignment I, you will discuss the case from a theoretical perspective discussed in the course. First, read through the case again. Then identify the theory that will frame your discussion. 

2. Next, give a brief synopsis of the theorist (his name, where he lived, or some other interesting facts about the theorist)

3. Then give an overview of the theory (is it a behavior theory, is it a cognitive theory, psychodynamic theory, etc.) An overview is not ONE sentence. 

4. You will then link the theory to various aspects of the case. First, describe the developmental stage and then discuss Malik through the lens of the theorist.  An example of this, if you were to choose Freudian theory. Choose the stage that best corresponds with Malik’s age. What does Freud say should happen at this stage of development? What is Malik doing or demonstrating that would be a reflection of the psychosexual stage of development.

5. The last paragraph should address considerations the theory does not take into account. For example, the Freudian theory does not take into account the role of single parenting, poverty, etc. This is only an example pertaining to the format. 

 You must write in complete sentences and again, in APA, 7th edition.



Case Scenario

Malik is a 3-year-old boy who lives with his mother and two siblings in an impoverished and high-crime area. His mother reports that Malik does not like to run and jump and is very clingy to her. She says when she drops him off at his daycare, sometimes he cries for hours and it is difficult for the staff to calm him down. Although Malik does not like to run and jump, he can catch a ball and kick a ball. Malik knows about 20-30 words and is very interested in playing video games with his older sister. Malik’s mom said she does not spend a great deal of time with Malik because she works two jobs to make ends meet. Sometimes, Malik fights his older sisters when they will give him the big leggo block to play with rather than several of the mini pieces. His mom reported that Malik has visited his father on a few occasions. She describes his father as a bearded man and every man with a beard that Malik encounters, Malik says,”Daddy”. Malik’s mom says she whips his for this behavior. Malik’s mom has tried unsuccessfully to potty train Malik without success. She says, “I have whipped him, but he still will not do it:”. As Malik’s mom was talking about her inability to potty train Malik, he put his head down and begin to cry. She scolded him and told him he was not being a big boy. Malik does not like to play with other children at the Day Care. He prefers to play alone and has a hard time sharing. Many of the other children do not like playing with Malik