
OPTION A (“CONTRADICTIONS”): Nick Carraway is a thoughtful narrator, one with a Yale education and literary ambitions. Hes also a walking contradiction. Consider some examples. He writes of his scorn for Gatsby while also being fascinated by him. He claims not to be judgmental, yet he often makes and changes his judgments in mid-conversation. He insists on his own honesty while befriending, and at times defending, numerous liars. He is often enchanted and repelled by what he sees. Please select and carefully explain a few specific examples of Nicks contradictory ideas or actions, and try to suggest why they are significant.

OPTION B “HOUSES ADN CHARACTERS”): In The Great Gatsby, houses arent just places to live inhouses become a very active part of how we come to understand the values and dreams and delusions and failures of the characters who inhabit them. Carefully consider the descriptions of a few houses or rooms from The Great Gatsby. Please make sure to make specific references to specific pages. (You may refer to the movie, using the clips that I gave you. If you do so, do not use page numberstell us which minute(s) and seconds youre referring to.)

Please select ONE of the OPTIONS. Then please post a response of at least 250 words on the Discussion Board by midnight on Monday, April 12th. DO NOT EMAIL THEM.

The assignment is worth 4 points (all-or-nothing-as always).