homework stats

The blood platelet counts of a group of women have a bell-shaped distribution with a mean of 250.8
and a standard deviation of 65.5.
(All units are 1000 cells/L.)
Using the empirical rule, find each approximate percentage below.

a.What is the approximate percentage of women with platelet counts within 1
standard deviation
of the mean, or between 185.3
and 316.3?

b.What is the approximate percentage of women with platelet counts between 54.3
and 447.3?

Researchers measured the data speeds for a particular smartphone carrier at 50 airports. The highest speed measured was 72.7
Mbps. The complete list of 50 data speeds has a mean of x=16.65
Mbps and a standard deviation of s=34.84

a. What is the difference between carrier’s highest data speed and the mean of all 50 data speeds?

b. How many standard deviations is that [the difference found in part (a)]?

c. Convert the carrier’s highest data speed to a z score.

d. If we consider data speeds that convert to z scores between 2
and 2 to be neither significantly low nor significantly high, is the carrier’s highest data speed significant?

Use z scores to compare the given values.

Based on sample data, newborn males have weights with a mean of 3227.7g and a standard deviation of 581.8 g. Newborn females have weights with a mean of 3007.4 g and a standard deviation of 578.4 g. Who has the weight that is more extreme relative to the group from which they came: a male who weighs 1700 g or a female who weighs 1700 g?

Since the z score for the male is z=
and the z score for the female is z=,

Use the following cell phone airport data speeds (Mbps) from a particular network. Find the percentile corresponding to the data speed 11.1

Percentile of 11.1=

Use the following cell phone airport data speeds (Mbps) from a particular network. Find Q1.


Use the following cell phone airport data speeds (Mbps) from a particular network. Find P60.


The following are the ratings of males by females in an experiment involving speed dating. Use the given data to construct a boxplot and identify the 5-number summary. 

Listed below are the measured radiation absorption rates (in W/kg) corresponding to 11
cell phones. Use the given data to construct a boxplot and identify the 5-number summary.
