How Beloved has power over Sethe, Paul D, and Denver

The thesis statement must make a general thematic/analytical observation about the texts. Begin your essay with an introduction and a thesis, which makes an overall assumption addressing your own specific questions and issues. The critical analysis of characters, symbols (and significant scenes) will be essential to this assignment. Develop your ideas by using specific evidence that supports every topic sentence and main point with an explanation. The Major Guidelines

Do not be wordy, long-winded, and verbose! BE SUCCINCT AND ABSOLUTELY CONCISE AND CLEAR!

Use quotations from the primary source and secondary sources wisely and logically.

Do not reach in supporting your claims.

I MUST get the impression that you read the primary text closely and that you researched.

Clearly organize the body of your paper in a way that best explains, fully develops, and supports your thesis statement.
The way you organize your paper will be entirely up to you, but as I sit down to read your paper, the structure should be very clear to me and I should be able to see the preparation that went into your final draft. Support every one of your insights with specific evidence, quotes, and well-developed explanations, but the most important aspect of this paper is that there be no grammatical or punctuation errors. I must get the sense that you proofread your own paper several times.