how media and rhetoric impact culture and society

Reflective essay.
Reflect on how media and rhetoric have shaped your perception of the world. Discuss our readings during this unit. Discuss your personal experiences with media. Draw conclusions about how media and rhetoric impact culture and society using specific examples from our readings and your personal experiences.
The first draft should achieve at least 400 words. The second draft should achieve at least 800 words. The final draft should achieve at least 1,200 words.
Does the writing contain few language errors?
Is the writing organized in a manner that clearly communicates the main ideas?

Does the writing discuss specific details from the appropriate sources?
Does the writing clearly and accurately introduce sources?
Does the writing correctly employ paraphrase, summary, and direct quotes?

Does the writing address the assignment prompt in detail?
Does the writing draw connections between different ideas and sources?
Does the writing draw logical conclusions based on the evidence presented?