How postpartum depression effects the development of a child?

2. Define the Research Problem (Step 1)

State the interdisciplinary research problem you are researching.   The problem statement should be clear, define the scope of the problem,  and include context explaining why it is important to investigate the  problem.  You should revise your problem statement based on the  instructor’s feedback on your Research Proposal and Literature Search assignment.  

3. Critically Analyze the Disciplines Insights Into the Problem (Step 5)

Your draft of Step 5 will include two parts: presenting disciplinary insights and identifying conflict and agreement between insights.

a. Present Disciplinary Insights

Explain each relevant disciplines overall approach to the problem (3  pages per discipline) based on your research (discuss one discipline at  a time). You must support your writing with evidence from all of your  sources related to that specific discipline. Your analysis should be  based on the insights produced in each of the sources from your  literature search.

Read your sources carefully and look for what the author discusses as:

  • the scope and magnitude of the problem
  • causes of the problem
  • effects of the problem
  • solutions to the problem
  • theories related to this problem

This strategy will help you discuss each disciplines insights about the problem. You may discuss other findings as well.

B. Identify Conflict and Agreement Between Insights

After presenting each discipline’s perspective on, and important  insights into, the problem, summarize conflict and/or agreement between  insights (approximately 200 – 300 words). Sources must be incorporated  and appropriately paraphrased and cited. Refer to Chapter 12 pages  309-322 in the Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies text for descriptions and examples of this step.

4. Reference Page

Provide an APA-formatted reference page of all sources used in your  assignment. Remember that four sources must be peer-reviewed sources and  the remaining two (or more) sources may be trade, government, book, or  other appropriate sources. All sources should be current and published  within the past 10 years.