HR management

ou are required to answer the  following questions. You should save your answers in a Word document for  submission. Make sure to include your name and student id number and  the question as part of the Assignment response. For each assignment,  you are expected to answer the assigned questions in your own words.  Each assignment paper should be at least 350 words. Papers less than the  required 300 words will get zero. This does not mean each question  requires a 350-word response; rather, the total number of words for answering the questions must total more than 350 words.

For your assignment, make sure to write in an essay format with  complete sentences. The submission should be in paragraph form with  clear topic sentences and all items from the questions addressed.

Affirmative Action

Choose one SPECIFIC company or organization in your major area (hospitality, business, or dietetics industry). It can be the same company you selected in Week 1 or you can choose a different organization.

  1. List the company and positions that you have found, explain the mission or goal of the organization, and describe (generally) the  types of employees it has. (this should be no more than three sentences)
  2. Discuss how you would set up an Affirmative Action program for the organization you selected. Discuss how you would develop your plan for recruitment as well as for ongoing operations. Be sure to include specific details that would apply to this organization.
  3. Describe,  in detail, specific steps that you would use to evaluate whether the  Affirmative Action program in this organization is effective. Be specific.