HSM 410 Health Care Policy Complete Course Week 1 to 7 Devry

HSM 410 Healthcare Policy Complete Course DevryWeek 1Week 1 DQ 1What exactly is Health Care Policy? Who does it affect?Week 1 DQ 2Healthcare policy are the rules regulation and guidelines that exist to operate finance and shape healthcare delivery. Healthcare policy covers a range of health related issues including the financing of healthcare public health preventive healthcare chronic illness and disability long-term care and mental health.Week 2Week 2 DQ 1What have been some of the forces driving the organization of U.S. health care?Week 2 DQ 2Why have physician reimbursement models changed over the years?Week 2 Course Project Topic:HSM 410 Week 2 Course Project Topic (Death with Dignity Act)Week 3Week 3 DQ 1What are some examples of painless cost control? Are these painless for everyone?Week 3 DQ 2Describe and provide examples of price and quality controls.Week 3 Assignment:HSM 410 Week 3 Assignment; Healthcare Interview Paper (800 Words)Week 4Week 4 DQ 1What are the primary access to health care concerns of the U.S. public?Week 4 DQ 2In the U.S. can a low-income person receive access to high quality care? What policies are in place to promote this?Midterm Exam Week 5Week 5 DQ 1Let’s start this week’s discussion with identifying who makes up the baby boomer generation. Please research and post statistics about the baby boomer generation. (Remember to post your sources!)Week 5 DQ 2Let’s start by reviewing the financial picture of the long-term care (LTC) industry. Who are the main payers? What are some of the main financial challenges that the industry is facing?Week 5 Assignment:Course Project outline ( 600 Words)Week 6Week 6 DQ 1Why are ethics important in the health care environment? Give an example of a ethical situation.Week 6 DQ 2What is prevention? Why is it important?Week 6 Assignment:HSM 410 Week 6 Week 6 Assignment; Ethical Considerations Paper (800 Words)Week 7Week 7 DQ 1Do you think that the U.S. Health Care System should move away from employer-based to a universal health care system? Why or why not? (Support your opinion!)Week 7 DQ 2Please post articles relating to the current health care debate (employer-based vs. universal health care) political views of health care reform or information on the future of the health care industry (as it pertains to any of the topics discussed in the class).Week 7 Course Project Final Paper; An Individual Right to Die (2900 Words)