log on USERNAME: burgn7 PASS:07182005Ejb! NAME OF FIRST PET: blacky FATHERS FIRST NAME: jose once logged in click on D2L will direct you to homepage click MAC11 log on 

USERNAME: burgn7 PASS:07182005Ejb!  NAME OF FIRST PET: blacky  FATHERS FIRST NAME: jose

once logged in click on D2L will direct you to homepage 


it will direct you to course home once in course home look to the right of the page where it says CONTENT BROWSER under it there would be a link that says ” Access MyLabs Math Course Home Here- For Homework Assignments click that. it will then say my math lab course home click it again and it will directt you to the page.

Once on directed to the homepage click the arrows to the top left of the page directing back till you see August 30th date. on that date it will say 28+more clcik that , that is where the assignments are. Scroll to Quiz 1 will have an orange square will see i attempted to do it and got a 67% please redo click on the word ” Quiz 1 “

Please get an 80% or higher you have unlimited amount of tries.