HULU Research Paper Completion

I am currently at 16 pages worth of research and need at minimum 20 pages. 

Must include: 10 biblical quotes, 15 SCHOlARLY sources, 5,000-7,250 words and be of APA format.

Grading rubric and further instructions attached. 

Paper is based on hulu.

The following questions must be addressed throughout the paper:


Q1. Provide a description of the product/service and a brief history of the firm.

Q2. Explain your current or possible global marketing efforts. (Ch. 3)

Q3. Explain the organizations mission. Provide its mission statement or create one if necessary. (Ch 3)

Q4. Explain your competitive strategy. (Ch.3)

Q5. Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for the organization. (Ch.3)


Q1. Discuss your use of marketing research to be used to gather information on present or potential customers. Which forms of marketing research would be best in gathering consumer information relating to the product/service? (Ch.4)

Q2. Explain several external forces that affect your marketing planning and strategy. (Ch.4)

Q3. Discuss the aspects of your customer relationship management (CRM) program. (Ch.5)

Q4. Explain which consumer characteristics (personal, psychological, cultural, situational, social) matter most in the purchase decision. (Ch.6)

Q5. Explain how the product/service is positioned in the market. Create a positioning statement for the product/service and explain its rationale. (Ch.7)


Q1. Explain your product planning efforts. (Ch. 8)

Q2. Explain the products/services current life cycle stage (introduction, growth, maturity or decline). Select one stage to discuss and omit the others. (Ch.8)

Q3. Discuss your techniques of building the equity of your brand. (Ch.9)

Q4. Discuss several branding decisions recently made or appropriate to make. (Ch.9)

Q5. Describe the support services and post-sale service arrangements provided by the firm and required by buyers. (Ch.10)


Q1. Explain your pricing strategy (penetration, skimming, competitor-based). (Ch.11)

Q2. Discuss various pricing tactics that have or would prove effective in stimulating sales. (Ch.11)

Q3. Discuss the distribution strategy relevant to the product/service. (Ch. 12)

Q4. Explain the channels of used to distribute the product/service. (Ch.12)

Q5. Explain the firms use of e-channels, e-retailing, or other non-traditional methods of distribution. (Ch.12)


Q1. Explain the elements of your promotional mix. (Ch. 13)

Q2. Explain whether you use a push or pull promotional strategy, or a combination of both. (Ch.13)

Q3. Discuss your use of digital, mobile, or social media marketing. (Ch.13)

Q4. Discuss the elements of your advertising message. (Ch. 14)

Q5. Explain your use of sales promotion, public relations, live events, publicity, or personal selling.

(Ch. 14)