HUM 5010 / 4


Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, Read Chapter 2 in the assigned text and LoPatin-Lummis . If you want to dive further, check Loiaconos in the Recommended Resources section this week.

Historically, poverty has been the impetus for developing a social welfare system and related policies. Beginning in the 11th century, create a timeline of the history and evolution of human services to current time. You are welcome to be as creative as you desire with graphics, and various tools, and so forth. If you have other presentation ideas, then please refer to your instructor to determine if the idea is acceptable.

  • Create a six- to 10-slide PowerPoint with speaker notes: (see for assistance); or
  • Draw the timeline, annotate it with 350 to 500 words, scan, and then upload it; or
  • Create a timeline collage annotated with 350 to 500 words with photos from magazines or scanned from books, online graphics, and so forth.