Human Diversity in Education Chapter 1 Instructions for ALL chapter assignments: Summarize the chapter by answering the following questions: What? What information did I get from this chapter?

Human Diversity in Education 

Chapter 1

Instructions for ALL chapter assignments:  Summarize the chapter by answering the following questions:

What? What information did I get from this chapter?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

So what? Why is this important? Does culture matter? How does this information challenge my beliefs? 

Now what? What can I personally do differently to make a school more culturally responsive to ALL students? As a teacher-leader how can this knowledge help me to empower my colleagues and my students? 

  Save to a Microsoft WORD document.  Follow APA style; list references as appropriate and correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.  Use 12 or 14-inch font.  Upload the completed assignment into CANVAS.  Thanks!