Human Growth and Development


Assignment 4.1: Peer Influence

Step 1: Research the social and emotional development of an Adolescent. 

Step 2: In a one page pager, explain how peer influences change during adolescence

Discuss Piaget’s formal operational stage of development and how it may impact the thoughts and choices in adolescence.

Discuss the shift of reliance on peers

Discuss the shift from reliance on parents

Are there dangers? Explain your answer

Are there consequences? Explain your answer

Are there advantages? Explain your answer

Assignment 5.1: Midlife Transitions

Step 1: Research midlife transitions

In a two page paper write about the following:

Discuss the different types of intelligence, and why this stage in development falls into Erik Eriksons period of generativity versus stagnation.

Compare and contrast generativity and stagnation in midlife transitions. 

Discuss the importance of health and lifestyle during the middle adulthood years.

Explain how relationships with both parents and children transition during Middle Adulthood. 

Include 3-5 references to support your research

Assignment 6.1: Euthanasia

Step 1: Read about Death and Dying

The death often reflect about spiritual beliefs, the importance of spirituality, and how it influences their view of death.

Step 2: In a two page paper:

Define Euthanasia.

Discuss the two types of euthanasia. 

Discuss whether or not you believe that euthanasia is acceptable in some situations 

How do you feel about other forms of assisted suicide?

Support your opinions with 3-5 references.