Human resource management


For this assignment, you are required to pick two (2) topics from the 

Main Topic: Training and development 

sub topics: 

1. Steps to take in training an employee 

2. Types of training

3. Training Delivery methods

4. Designing training program

5. cases and problems , read two articles and complete an annotated bibliography for each article (scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles).  

You should have these criteria: (1)  what or who were studied (participants)?, (2) why was that topic or group studied (reason)?, (3) how was the data collected for the study (design), (4) what did the data reveal (MANOVA, ANOVA etc. results)?, (5) what were the author(s) conclusion?

Each annotated Bibliography should be no longer than 2  pages double spaced at Times New Roman 12 font.