human trafficking

MUST HAVE ACCESS TO Human Trafficking: A Comprehensive Exploration of Modern Day Slavery.

I. What are three ways historical and institutionalized racism and classism may facilitate labor trafficking and work barriers to anti-trafficking efforts?

II.What similarities do you find between the current H visa program and the Bracero Program? What characteristics of these programs facilitate labor trafficking? How did national events influence the United States treatment of Foreign workers in the past?

III. Explain in detail the two primary theories for responding to trafficking, in particular, the 3P paradigm and the 4R framework, and challenges encountered with each framework.

IV. History sets the foundation for the current use of child soldiers. How are the current recruitment practices and use of children similar and different from those employed during historical wars?

V. Explain the multilevel factors that cause organ trafficking. In which countries is organ trafficking most common? What is the impact of these multilevel factors in those countries?

Bonus Question (Up to 10 points extra credit)

* List three social factors that create situations in the which it is in the family’s best interest to marry off daughters. Explain how families may rationalize social factors in carrying out this practice.