
 Is the contemporary (i.e., post World War II) globalization period unique and unprecedented, or is it mostly comparable and similar to a past globalization period? Briefly state a definition of globalization based on class materials. Identify at least one element of contemporary globalization that is unique. Identify at least one element of contemporary globalization that is similar to a historical predecessor. Your post should refer to the arguments made by the authors of module 1 readings and consider the relevant evidence in making a clear and persuasive case for contemporary globalization being best regarded as mostly unprecedented or as mostly comparable to a past globalization period. Clearly identify within text the readings you are citing by the author’s name and page number (e.g., when referring to a chapter in the Lechner and Boli book, name the author of the chapter rather than only refer to the book). 

 your first post should be 3-4 paragraphs long