i need a analytical essay on one of the questions and poem below and i need 100% on this because i got a low mark before it needs to be MLA format Final Essay Questions Respond to the follo

i need a analytical essay on one of the questions and poem below and i need 100% on this because i got a low mark before 

it needs to be MLA format   

 Final Essay Questions Respond to the following questions in complete argumentative essays (1000-1200 words). 1. In Thomas King’s “Borders,” how does the speaker challenge settler colonialism’s use of fragmented truths through the use of “reserve,” “spreading jelly on the truth,” and “television people” in undermining Blackfoot identity and maintaining social control to foster a burgeoning awareness of his identity? 2. In James Joyce’s “Araby,” how does the narrator’s “gaze into the darkness” reformulate his ontology from a chivalric “chalice bearer” to a “creature driven and derided by vanity”? Use Lacan’s theory of Gaze to explicate and substantiate your argument. 3. How does the Bazaar demystify the speaker’s fabricated English identity in “Araby,” which he has assimilated by living on a “blind end” street and attending the “Christian Brothers School,” and generate an Irish identity formation to reconceptualize his fantasy world of work and play?