I need a persuasive essay


Choose a topic for your next paper and develop an outline-Outline due Tuesday at 1159-Your paper should be a persuasive paper based on your topic choice and you will need three scholarly sources for this paper.  One of your sources will be the work itself and you will need two more scholarly articles.   Your paper should be 750-1000 words and you should use MLA format.  Continue to follow the guidelines given in the literary analysis paper. This paper will serve as a mini research paper.  

Paper due April 25, 2021


Persuade your audience how Christanity is the theme of A Letter from a Birmingham Jail.

What values does Dr. King embark upon in this letter.  Persuade your audience that it is these values that serve as the purpose of this letter.  

Based on this letter, persuade your audience of what Dr. King’s viewpoint is concerning justice?

How does Dr. King persuade us to take action based on this letter?