I need help with my Week 10 | LinkedIn Presence for my Business Comm Class and a response to 2 other peers

 Week 10 | LinkedIn Presence Attachment

(Due by Sunday, midnight of your time zone in Week 10)

Final LinkedIn Profile

Provide the link to your LinkedIn profile. Summarize the updates that you have made throughout the course. Also, review at least two peer profiles and share feedback on the following:

  • Is the profile picture professional?
  • Does the profile demonstrate authenticity and purpose?
  • Does it tell a story?
  • Does it demonstrate the ability to get results? (Relevant stats and outcomes listed)
  • Rate the overall design? Is it easy to digest the information? Is it visually appealing?
  • Review for grammar and spelling accuracy.

1st response


Hi Professor and Class,

Professional Picture

I initially did not update my picture, but the feedback I received was that my photo was too close, so I have since updated my profile picture. I feel that it is more professional now, as you can see my blazer and distance from the camera.

Authenticity and Purpose

My profile is authentic and with purpose. The reader can get a feel for my personality as well as my professional background. I share a story in the about section, which shows I like to work behind the scenes and not necessarily in the front but have the skillset to work in the front if needed. 


Yes, my profile tells a story about my grandmother and me, which provides a personal element. 

Stats and Outcomes

I cannot confirm if my profile provides stats, but it shows my outcomes and achievements over the years. Many of my endorsements are proof of successful outcomes.

Overall Design

My profile is full of information. I look forward to peer feedback because I feel that my page may have too much clutter. I will probably update the design as I am not sure of what I want it to say. 

Grammar and Spelling

I have not seen any grammatical or spelling errors, but they can confirm with my peers reviewing my profile. I have enjoyed updating my profile and receiving feedback this quarter to enhance my knowledge of LinkedIn. 


2nd Response 


Dear Professor and class,

Link to my profile: 

Summary of changes:

  1. I have amended my personal URL. It is shorter and easy to remember.
  2. I have changed my picture. The new version is higher resolution and was produced by a professional photographer.
  3. I added a headline. My profile originally had no headline.
  4. I amended the key-words section, including words that are relevant and memorable.
  5. I expanded my summary section, which is now more dynamic and notable.
  6. I requested a recommendation from two peers who are well respected in their fields.
  7. I added accomplishments, skills and cleaned up my work history, which is now succinct and relevant.



I have enclosed my linkedin.com/in/Vanessa Woodard-a30bb4b9/ please check and see do I need to add something to it to make it stand out.