If you are unable to visit in person, you may modify the assignment by watching videos. Include the link of the observation videos on the assignment. Classroom Observation Report: I. Classroom Obser

If you are unable to visit in person, you may modify the assignment by watching videos. Include the link of the observation videos on the assignment.Classroom Observation Report:I. Classroom Observation Report (200 points): You will conduct an observation in a special education classroom and submit a 4-5 page double-spaced narrative with reflection.i. Observation:Visit one special education classroom.The observation must be of at least one hour or one class period in duration.You are responsible for setting up your own observation. Make sure to get permission from the Principal’s office to observe the class.Be on time. Arrive at your observation site before a session begins so that you do not disturb the class. Be situated in a place where your presence is least distracting to students.Please remember that this observation is for your learning purposes. Try to learn something and report what you have learned. You are not there to criticize the teacher. You should appreciate the opportunity for this observation and appreciate that they gave you permission to observe their classes.ii. Report: You will submit a 4-5 page double-spaced narrative with reflection. Please note, your paper should include a discussion about the following areas as well as references to the EDUC 4352 textbook:1. Introduction (Discuss date, time, school and setting of observation, grade level(s), and number of students (15 points).2. Physical Organization of the Room (15 points).3. Curriculum Content and Instructional Materials (What was being taught [identify specific skills, concepts, or content] and what was used to teach the lessons or units [curricular materials and technology])? Include references to the EDUC 4352 textbook (35 points).4. Instructional Methods or Strategies (How was the lesson organized and taught? Could you identify accommodations? What role did the paraeducator play, if any? Was a paraeducator present?) Include references to EDUC 4352 textbook (35 points).5. Behavior Management Strategies (What classroom management procedures were evident? What techniques, procedures, or plans were used to promote positive behavior support? How were behaviors handled?). Include references to EDUC 4352 textbook (35 points).6. Reflection (This is a very important component of the report. Consider the following questions when you write your reflection: Does it reflect the best practices discussed in the textbook? How? Was the instructor/instruction effective? What would you do differently if you were the teacher? Specificy what, if anything, you will use in your own classroom). Include references to EDUC 4352 textbook (50 points).7. Organization/Clarity/Mechanics & Teacher signature regarding actual observation hours (15 points).8. Teacher Signature Page (TEACHER SIGNATURE PAGE.docx Download TEACHER SIGNATURE PAGE.docx).Rubric: Classroom Observation Report Download Classroom Observation Report.***When you are writing your report, please use the bolded subtopics listed above as headings in the body of your paper. Maintain confidentiality by using fictional names, as necessary.https://youtu.be/FbGSNhUcKI0https://youtu.be/WoBUb4ZpgyI