IFSM Assignement



As the business analyst in the CIO’s department of Maryland Technology Consulting (MTC), your next task in developing your Business Analysis and System Recommendation (BA&SR) Report is to develop a set of requirements for the hiring system.   

Assignment BA&SR Section III. Requirements

The first step is to review any feedback from previous stages to help improve the effectiveness of your overall report and then add the new section to your report.  Only content for Stage 3 will be graded for this submission. Part of the grading criteria for Stage 4 includes evaluating if the document is a very effective and cohesive assemblage of the four sections, is well formatted and flows smoothly from one section to the next.    For this assignment, you will add Section III of the Business Analysis and System Recommendation (BA&SR) Report to your Sections I and II.  In this section you will identify requirements for the new hiring system. This analysis leads into Section IV. System Recommendation of the BA&SR (Stage 4 assignment) that will analyze a proposed IT solution to ensure it meets MTC’s organizational strategy and fulfills its operational needs.   

Using the case study, assignment instructions, Content readings, and external research, develop your Section III. Requirements.   The case study tells you that the executives and employees at Maryland Technology Consultants (MTC) have identified a need for an effective and efficient applicant tracking or hiring system.  As you review the case study, use the assignment instructions to take notes to assist in your analysis. In particular, look for information in the interviews to provide stakeholder interests and needs.