
After reading “To an Athlete Dying Young” by A.E. Housman, reflect on one of the major sports ideas/themes the poem addresses. For this class, remember a theme is NOT a topic, but is rather an idea about a topic. For instance, if the topic is: youth in relation to sports, a theme about that topic could be “The athletic fame of youth soon disappears.” If the topic is: sports records, a theme or idea about that topic could be “No matter how good an athlete might be, there will be others who will be better.”

As you think about Housman’s poem, pay careful attention to the title and the emphasis on “dying young.” Keeping in mind this was written over 100 years ago, what theme/idea about sports does the poem still addresses? Do you agree with this theme/idea? Why or why not? Write a 2-3 paragraph reflection that answers these questions. Please write thoughtfully and correctly, and edit your work before submitting.