
EMR vs. EHR Comparison Worksheet


Complete Parts 1, 2, and 3 below using the corresponding instructions.

Cite references to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.


Part 1

Complete the following EMR and EHR Comparison Chart by indicating “yes” or “no” if the feature is included for each system.

EMR and EHR Comparison Chart

System Is it for patient information? Is it patient owned? Does it allow interactive patient access? Is it for a single event? Does it provide an aggregate electronic record?


Part 2

Provide a 200- to 350-word response to the following questions: What is the importance of interoperability between an EMR and EHR? What are the challenges for interoperability between an EMR and EHR?


Part 3

Complete the Health Care Network Data Table by identifying 2 or 3 different databases that are used in a health care network. Provide a 50- to 100-word description of each.

Health Care Network Databases Table

Indicate the type of database. Provide a database description.