IN _Week 5 Assignment: Comparative Healthcare Data Exercise


Assignment Rationale:

Please refer to the course syllabus to determine what percentage this assignment is of your final course grade. The purpose of this assignment is to allow each student an opportunity to compare healthcare data and information for hospital inpatient, emergency department, and ambulatory settings, as well as population-based health care data on counties.

Assignment Learning Objective:

Each assignment will be related to a specific learning objective. This assignment is linked to the following Week 5 Learning Objective 6 (Relate the origins and uses of major health care comparative data sets). 

Assignment Instructions:

Please visit the  website. This website offers a free, online query system.  After careful examination of the site (completion of the tutorials(s) is recommended), choose an inquiry of interest regarding hospital inpatient, emergency department, and ambulatory settings, as well as population-based health care data on counties. Note: The more focused the inquiry, the easier the analysis will be to complete. 

  1. Create a table or chart depicting the comparative healthcare data for chosen query. (Hint: Download findings as an ).
  2. Insert the created table or chart into a Word document.
  3. Include in the Word document a discussion of the results of the analysis. 
  4. Please read the grading rubric (below) carefully before submitting the assignment.
  5. Please include any necessary references, making sure to use APA formatting.
  6. This assignment is not a formal academic paper, but an APA formatted cover sheet will still be required.
  7. Submit this assignment as a Word document, using the link found within the Week 5 Learning Activities Folder.
Comparative Healthcare Data Exercise Grading Rubric