In a journal format analysis of 650 words, each student will reflect and answer the following “3 levels” of self-reflection and historical insights:

In a journal format analysis of 650 words, each student will reflect and answer the following “3 levels” of self-reflection and historical insights:

Level 1: The Mirror:

  • What have I learned about myself through this virtual experience?
  • How has this experience challenged my preexisting assumptions or biases?
  • How has this experience challenged me, my ideals, philosophies, or my concept of life or the way I live?

Level 2: The Microscope: 

  • What happened for those historical individuals or events in history at that time period?
  • What would I change about this historical situation / place if I was in charge, and why?
  • Does this experience compliment or contrast with what I learn about history? How?

Level 3: The Binoculars

  • What did I learn from this virtual experience as a whole?
  • How can I apply this knowledge to other parts of my life?
  • How will this experience alter my future behaviors/attitudes/and career plans?