in-class spss



This in-class activity is designed to give students an opportunity to:

(1)    Practice conducting advanced statistical analyses in SPSS.
(2)    Practice interpreting SPSS output and drawing conclusions.

The in-class activity is designed to apply statistical analyses discussed in lectures to prepare students for SPSS homework assignments and in-class assessment.

For this activity you will be using the SPSS data set called In-Class SPSS Vacation Package File located on Canvas in the SPSS File module. Download the SPSS file and run the appropriate statistical tests to answer the questions below. Please complete the questions on the handout and turn in the handout as well as the SPSS output file by the end of class. You will submit both via Canvas.


1. Conduct an ANOVA:

How secure would you feel on an individually planned vacation with ageNew

    Is the ANOVA test significant? (circle one)          YES        NO

    Provide support for your answer. Report all necessary statistics when discussing overall ANOVA results: ________________________________________________________

2. Conduct a correlation:

Is there a relationship between how many days you would go on an all-inclusive trip and importance of a well-structured itinerary?

    Is the correlation significant? (circle one)          YES        NO
    Report the r: _________________________________________________________________
    Report the p-value: ___________________________________________________________
    Interpret the results i.e. what does it mean: ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


3. Answer the following hypotheses by conducting suitable regression analyses:
    Select relevant variables
    Run regression and answer corresponding questions

H1: Higher level of security felt on an all-inclusive vacation impacts the number of days individuals would go on an all-inclusive vacation.

    Is the overall regression model significant? (circle one)    YES          NO

    Provide support for your answer. Report all necessary statistics when discussing overall regression results: ____________________________________________________

    How much of the DV is the IV explaining? ____________________________________
    Write out the regression equation: ____________________________________________
    What happens to Y if X is 10 based on the regression equation? _____________________________________________________________________________

H2: Higher level of security felt on an individually planned vacation impacts the number of days individuals would go on an individually planned vacation.

    Is the overall regression model significant? (circle one)    YES          NO

    Provide support for your answer. Report all necessary statistics when discussing overall regression results: ___________________________________________________

H3: Greater importance of a well-structured itinerary is impacted by greater importance of convenience of booking an all-inclusive vacation, higher levels of security felt on an all-inclusive vacation, and more number of days spend on an all-inclusive vacation.

    Is the overall regression model significant? (circle one)    YES          NO

    Provide support for your answer. Report all necessary statistics when discussing overall regression results: ___________________________________________________

    Does the model have multicollinearity issues? (circle one)    YES    NO
    Which IVs are significant and what are the corresponding coefficients? _______
    Which IV has the greatest impact on the DV? Provide support. _______________  _____________________________________________________________________________